Safety tip of the day funny
Safety tip of the day funny


  • At the same time that you push the cork outwards, start rotating the base of the bottle.
  • Cover the cork completely with a towel and start wiggling it.
  • SAFETY TIP: Do not try to open a champagne bottle with a knife. If you are a samurai, you can skip this one. Safety Tips: How NOT to open a champagne bottle Have a laugh and pay attention to the tips so these incidents won’t happen to you by following these Safety Tips.

    safety tip of the day funny

    We selected some interesting and funny examples to show you how seemingly good ideas turned out the wrong way and what you should do to easily get the desired result without incident. Or, enjoy a great BBQ with your friends instead of having to run to the ER to take care of a couple of broken ribs. We are pretty sure that you would prefer to enjoy drinking that champagne over having to watch it go to waste on your floor because someone had the brilliant idea of opening the bottle with a knife. Those times that you are grinning about the resourcefulness of an idea, but at the same time have that weird itch deep down that maybe it’s not that fool-proof and something might go wrong? This often leads to distractions, rushing and lower productivity.Have you ever witnessed one of those moments of pure “brilliance”? Workplace stress can include issues such as overly long hours, conflicts with coworkers and heavy workloads.

  • Talk to your manager if workplace stress is hindering your focus.
  • Make sure to practice good posture while sitting or lifting to avoid, sprains, strains, muscle tears or dislocations on your back or hips.
  • Bad posture may not seem like a big problem but in the long run can have a huge effect on the employee as well as the company.
  • This is a huge hazard for yourself and coworkers around you make sure to never take any drugs or alcohol prior to beginning your work day.
  • Drugs or alcohol cause a huge difference in productivity and affect your motor skills and judgment.
  • This can possibly also cause a loss in productivity make sure you are taking regular breaks within your work day.
  • Long periods of time without proper breaks can lead to a decrease in focus or alertness.
  • Marking tools such as Valve Action Paint Markers or even more specified tools like Tempilabels to measure temperatures can be great help. Marking items or machinery with appropriate tools can help bring possible hazards to attention. If you spot unsafe work areas make sure to make this known to a supervisor or corresponding personnel.
  • Being aware of your surroundings means you may spot unsafe conditions in a work environment.
  • If you see unsafe conditions, let a supervisor know The reasons to wear this gear can vary from job to job make sure to always wear everything that is necessary.Ħ. Personal protective equipment (PPE) includes items like hard hats, goggles, shoes and gloves that are vital to staying safe in certain work environments.
  • It is important to always wear protective gear where it is required.
  • Always follow correct procedures as they are being held in place for a reason, if you see a beneficial shortcut speak with a supervisor first. In the end it may cost the company more time and money either in the short or long run.
  • Trying to take shortcuts to save time or money can possibly cause a procedure to be done the wrong way.
  • safety tip of the day funny


    Working outside means watching out for harsh weather! Be mindful of extreme temperatures and in this current winter weather, keep your skin protected.Ĥ.A tool like the Security Check Paint Marker is great for making sure that equipment is stable and safe for use. If there are preventable measures to take, always check those are intact, such as certain marks on equipment. Check your surroundings and make sure they are up to standards.Common issues include using the wrong tool for a task or creating an unsafe environment while not correctly using heavy equipment. If you are not comfortable with any equipment do not operate it until you have further training! Accidents can quickly happen when something is not a familiar item.


  • Always make sure that you know how to use tools or machinery correctly.
  • safety tip of the day funny

    Here we have collected some of the Top 10 Safety tips to help keep you safe from common dangers around the job. Approximately 5.7 of every 100 workers experience a job-related injury or illness each year. Working in an industrial area is exciting and very rewarding to many, but it can also contain a lot of hidden hazards detrimental to someone’s health.

    Safety tip of the day funny